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Contabilidade separador
Submitted by rogermad on 4 March 2013

The Graduate in Accounting and Administration-Ramo of Taxation, aims to provide a solid theoretical training, providing the essential tools to all who wish to engage in professional activities or already exercise, in the tax area, be it in a liberal regime, be integrated into consultants, company departments or in the public administration.

For this we proceed to a constant updating of the programmatic contents, endowing the students with a comprehensive and critical view on Taxation. In this context, we rely on a wide range of curriculum units in the area of Taxation and with a faculty consisting of the best specialists, allowing, inter alia, to enroll in the OCC.

Professional Outputs

The undergraduate in Accounting and Administration-Ramo of Taxation forms professionals enabled to exercise, in particular, the following functions and activities:

  • superior tax, control, and tax planning;

  • Managing Director, financial (and top) enabled to actively participate in international financial relations;

  • Controller with liaison to the CEO-Chief Executive Officer;

  • Independent tax advisor or integrated in European-level consultants;

  • Tax Auditor (start of career);

  • Tax Technician in the Tax Administration, may ascend to the top of the career;

  • Fiscalist, Head of Accounting departments in any type of companies;

  • Access to TOC under conditions to be defined by the Order of Certified Accountants (OCC);

  • Tax Inspector and supervisor of inspection teams of the Ministry of Finance;

  • Access to ROC.