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Auditoria separador
Filipe Inteiro
Submitted by ffinteiro on 27 March 2021

Conditions of access
Being a graduate holder in the areas of Audit, Accounting, Economics, Finance or Management, or of legal equivalent considered by the Scientific Council appropriate to the frequency of the course.

This course aims for scientific and professional development in auditing, having as more significant goals:

  • Provide a solid theoretical training to anyone who intends to exercise their professional activity not only in the different areas of the audit (not least: external or independent, internal and informatics) as also in management control, taking into account the demands placed by the market and existing national and international standards;
  • Providing the fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge for the study, analysis, implementation and evaluation of internal control systems, endowing students with a critical and independent view on organizations;
  • Enabling the training of lecturers in the different areas of the audit.

Diploma approving the plan of studies in force
pdfDespacho n. 12017/2014, of September 29-Journal of the Republic No. 187, 2. th Series

pdf Transition plan