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Council of Representatives

According to article 14 of the ISCAL Statutes, the Council of Representatives is composed of 9 teachers, 4 students and 2 representatives of non-teaching staff, elected by the respective bodies. The term of the members is four years, except in the case of students, for which it is one year, and cannot be removed, except by the Council of Representatives itself, by absolute majority, in the event of serious misconduct, under the terms of its own regulation body.

The table of the Council of Representatives is composed of a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary.

The President liaises with the other management bodies, calls and chairs the meetings, and has a casting vote.

Among the various responsibilities of the Council of Representatives listed in article 17 of the ISCAL Statutes, the following should be noted: organize the election procedure and elect the President of ISCAL;  assess and supervise the acts of the President of ISCAL, as well as those of the Pedagogical Council, without prejudice to their own jurisdiction; approve the Regulation of the Course Director for the study cycles taught at ISCAL, establishing his or her election, and powers, as to the 1st Cycle. Also under the terms of this article, it is incumbent upon the Council of Representatives, on a proposal from the President of ISCAL, to assess and approve the medium-term strategic plans and the action plan for the four-year term of the President; to appreciate and approve the general guidelines of the institution in the scientific, pedagogical, financial and patrimonial plan, without prejudice to its own jurisdiction, as well as the attributions and powers of the organic subunits; create, transform, split, merge or extinguish organic subunits; to review and approve the annual activity plans and to review the annual report of the institution's activities.

Under article 19 of the ISCAL Statutes, the Council of Representatives ordinarily meets four times a year, and may also meet extraordinarily whenever convened by its President, on his or her initiative, at the request of the President of ISCAL, or even by one third of its members.


Discents of the Council of Representatives

Pedro João Fernandes Longo

Maria Inês Goncalves Nogueira

Fernando José Teodósio Pacheco

Carolina Neves Esteves

