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Pedagogical Council

According to article 34 of the ISCAL Statutes, the Pedagogical Council ensures the coordination and supervision of the pedagogical quality of teaching at ISCAL.

The Pedagogical Council consists of ten members, with the same number of representatives of teachers and students, elected by their respective bodies, as stipulated in paragraph 1 of article 35 of the ISCAL Statutes. The mandate of members representing teachers in the Pedagogical Council is four years, which can be renewed once. The term of the members representing the students of the Pedagogical Council is one year, which can be renewed three times.

Article 37 of the ISCAL Statutes mentions the powers of this body, which includes the following:  to pronounce on pedagogical guidelines, and teaching and assessment methods; to promote the assessment of performance of teachers, by the teachers and students, as well as the analysis and dissemination of both; to engage in regular surveys of the pedagogical performance of the organic unit and its analysis and dissemination; approve the regulations for attendance, assessment, yearly transition and precedence.

The election of the president and the secretary is set out in article 36 of the ISCAL Statutes.

Discents   of the Pedagogical council

Tiago Alexandre Marques dos Santos

Pedro João Moreira Fernandes Longo

Miguel Outor Henriques

Naples Abrantes de Brito

  Gonçalo Cerqueira Simões

