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Mathilde Aron-Luc-Poula and Marie-Sarah Guivarch | France

Get to know the testimony of Mathilde Aron-Luc-Poula and Marie-Sarah Guivarch, two students who chose the ISCAL to do their ERASMUS + experience.

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  Mathilde Aron-Luc-Poula (on the left side) and Marie-Sarah Guivarch (on the right side).

Marie-Sarah and Mathilde, two graduate students, came together from France to the ISCAL, within the framework of the Erasmus + program. In France, they attend the Quimper University of Technology, belonging to the University of Western Brittany, and have been in Portugal since September 2019.

Marie-Sarah says she had chosen Portugal because she felt that "here she had the opportunity to improve English, but also to learn Portuguese and discover the culture." In turn, Mathilde had already been in the country two years ago, in Porto, and appreciated "a lot of the environment and the Portuguese people", which made her want to come here from Erasmus. Already their choice by ISCAL is due to the very positive feedback they received from other students, who had been attending the institution the previous year.

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" I was told it was a very nice school, with sympathetic teachers and interesting classes. After almost a year here I am totally in agreement with them. "  Marie-Sarah Guivarch.  

" I was told that it was the ideal place for an Erasmus! " Mathilde Aron-Luc-Poula.  

Students, like other Erasmus + program students, highlight the quality of teaching at the ISCAL. Mathilde points out that "the fact that it is in the classes with people of different nationalities is very enriching, as well as that of discovering new working methods with very attentive teachers to the students". In addition, it further says that "the possibility of choosing the curriculum units is a very good point, because we are more focused on a subject that is interesting to us." On the other hand, Marie-Sarah admits to being quite pleased to be in a "multicultural environment and to receive a high quality education.", describing still the pupil-teacher relationship as "warm and professional" and the "very friendly environment among all students in Lisbon."

Marie-Sarah and Mathilde, in addition to being liking of studying at the ISCAL, are enchanted with the city of Lisbon. "It's a very welcoming and warm city", mentions Marie-Sarah. However, now in France, due to the current situation we live in the country and the world, Mathilde confesses "I am already missing Lisbon and I hope to come back very quickly!".  

The Erasmus + programme, according to the two students, is a plus worth for anyone who has the opportunity to experience it, as "it allows for faster language learning and allows to have a more open mind" (Marie-Sarah). What's more, it's also "an opportunity to meet people from other nationalities and exchange experiences with them" (Mathilde)

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"It's the best experience to meet new people, discover new cultures, and discover a new way to study."  Marie-Sarah

 " The advantage of having the opportunity to experience the ERASMUS program, in the first place, is to learn a new language, English, but also thanks to the Portuguese ISCAL (a language I have never practiced and learned before). Hence, Thank you ISCAL and Lisbon for this opportunity. " Mathilde