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In accordance with Article 20 of the ISCAL Statutes, the President of ISCAL is the institution's highest governing and external representation body; and it is the body that conducts the institution's policy.

In accordance with Article 21 of the Statutes, the President of ISCAL may be elected:

  • Professors and researchers from the institution itself or from other institutions, national or foreign, of higher education or research;
  • Individuals of recognized merit and relevant professional experience, outside the institution.

According to Article 22, the President is elected by the Council of Representatives, by secret ballot.

According to Article 23, the President's term of office lasts for four years and can be renewed only once. In the event of early termination of the mandate, the new President begins a new mandate.

Article 24 states that the President may be assisted by a maximum of two Vice-Presidents; and can freely appoint and dismiss Pro-presidents for specific projects or areas.

In a serious situation for the functioning of the institution, the Council of Representatives, in a meeting convened by its President or by a third of its members, may decide, by a majority of two thirds of the elected members, to suspend the President of ISCAL and, after due administrative procedure, by identical majority, its removal (Article 25).

The position of President of ISCAL is exercised on an exclusive dedication basis (Article 26).

Among his responsibilities(Article 27), it should be noted that the President directs and represents ISCAL, entrusting him or her to prepare and submit to the Council of Representatives the proposals for the following:

  • Medium-term strategic plan and action plan for the four-year term of his or her mandate;
  • General guidelines of the institution in the scientific and pedagogical plan, including subunits, if applicable;

  • Annual activity plan and report;

  • The sub-budget, as stipulated by law;

  • Acquisition or sale of the institution's real estate assets, and credit operations, under the terms of the law;

  • Creation, transformation or extinction of organic subunits;

  • Tuition fees due from students, as stipulated by law;

  • Propose the creation, suspension and extinction of courses, under the terms of the law;

  • Guide and supervise the administrative and financial management of the institution, ensuring efficiency in the use of its means and resources, while respecting the autonomy of the organic subunits;

  • Assign support to students in the context of social action, under the terms of the law;

  • Grant titles or honorary distinctions, under the favorable opinion of the Technical-Scientific Council;

  • To institute school prizes within the scope of ISCAL, under the favorable opinion of the Pedagogical Council;

  • Appoint and dismiss, in accordance with the law and the statutes, the directors of the organic subunits without self-governing bodies;

  • Appoint and dismiss, under the terms of the law and the statutes, the Director of Services and the directors of ISCAL services;

  • Exercise disciplinary power, in accordance with the provisions of the law;

  • Ensure compliance with the resolutions taken by ISCAL collegiate bodies, executing them, within the deadlines provided by law or regulations;

  • Enforce the regulations approved by Organs competent bodies, under the terms of the statutes, being able to issue standards of general compliance, within the scope of their competences; 

  • Ensure compliance with laws, statutes and regulations; 

  • Propose the initiatives it deems necessary for the proper functioning of ISCAL to Organs competent bodies, being able, within the scope of its powers, to decide what it deems convenient to implement the approved Strategic Plan; 

  • Communicate to the tutelage all the necessary data for the exercise of this, namely the plans and budgets and the reports of activities and accounts; 

  • Take the necessary measures to guarantee the quality of teaching and research at ISCAL and its organic subunits; 

  • Represent ISCAL in or out of court; 

  • Promote internationalization and cultural, scientific and technological cooperation, ensuring the mobility of students and teachers and supporting the international projection of their work; 

  • Sponsor and encourage the connection with former students, as well as the participation of other personalities and institutions in the strategic development of ISCAL; 

  • Organize elections for governing bodies, in accordance with the Statutes and Regulations approved by the respective bodies; 

  • Perform the other functions provided for by the law and bylaws.